Hi, I'm Andrew!

I enjoy doing puzzles as a way to spend time with loved ones, but doing the same puzzles over and over can get a bit stale. Throwing puzzles out seemed wasteful, so I started trading with family and friends.

I made Jiggswap to help puzzle lovers like you get puzzles you haven't done, and save money at the same time! This way, you'll always have a fresh puzzle to do, and you'll help keep re-usable items out of landfills. And, Jiggswap can also help you keep track of the puzzles you've done.

My team is constantly working to improve Jiggswap. Here's a sneak peak of what we're planning to bring to Jiggswap soon.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about Jiggswap, or about puzzles in general. You're welcome to send questions, comments, and suggestions to me over at the Contact page or by directly emailing me at andrew@jiggswap.com.